Soluble rigid rod-like polyimides and polyamides containing curable pendent groups
Yun Jun Kim, Im Sik Chung, Insik In, Sang Youl Kim, Polymer, 46, 3992-4004, 2005, 4.432, 86.84%
Thiacrownether-mediated size-controlled assembly of gold nanoparticles
Insik In, Young-Wook Jun, Yun Jun Kim, Sang Youl Kim, Chemistry letters, 33, 11, 2004, 1.715, 33.26%
Spontaneous one dimensional arrangement of spherical Au nanoparticles with liquid crystal ligands
Insik In, Young-Wook Jun, Yun Jun Kim, Sang Youl Kim, Chemical communications, 800-801, 2005, 6.065, 78.35%
A new photoresist based on hyperbranched poly (ary1ene ether phosphine oxide)
Insik In, Hyosan Lee, Tsuyohiko Fujigaya, Masaki Okazaki, Mitsuru Ueda, Sang youl Kim, Polymer bulletin, 49, 349-355, 2003, 2.843, 61.58%
Synthesis of hyperbranched poly (phenylene oxide) by ullmann polycondensation and subsequent utilization as unimolecular micelle
Insik In, Hyosan Lee, Sang Youl Kim, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 204, 13, 2003, 2.996, 57.37%